No Century for apologies
In Ayahuantu, Castle is a hunted man until he meets Onorato.
“The huayco split the town in half as if a hand had drawn a line through the plaza, marking a channel for the mud to flow. The screech of boulders pulverized.
Castle came to the mouth of the beast and instead of running, he stopped to witness the confusion, to measure the devastation. He saw the fury of the huayco fading.
And again the town became silent. People who had been running, stopped at the same moment the huayco—a huge and weary earth-god—stopped flowing.
the end was sudden, the silence jarring. Then, out of the consuming darkness that lends its primordial touch of fear to chaos, came the first wailings of death.”

Narrated Excerpt
The following is a audio snippet from, “No Century for Apologies,” as read by the author.
The Huayco
Full reviews
Remick’s novel is a heart-stopping thriller that dispenses with formalities from the very beginning. The suspicions that populate the mind of the protagonist will be adopted by the reader as the story develops. It becomes clear that things are not exactly as first thought. Castle is an atypical hero, as his true motives are open to speculation. He has worked for some sketchy groups in the past, and he views his latest mission as more of an imposition than anything else. One of his traits that will resonate with fans of the genre is in avenging an injustice. For example, if someone is killed, he wants answers and retribution. The villains in the story are insidious and amoral, yet they grab one’s attention in every scene. This is a mystery/thriller that will keep readers on their toes until the savage conclusion.
A 2023 Eric Hoffer Book Award General Fiction Honorable Mention
RECOMMENDED by the US Review

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Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle.
293 Pages
Publisher: Quartet Global (June 18, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0991425863
ISBN-13: 978-0991425860